Getting Started with Pubster 1. After you download the pubster .zip file, unzip the file to a folder on your computer. 2. After you unzip the pubster file, find the Pubster folder in the unzip files and upload the pubster folder to your web site. 3. To upload the pubster folder to your web site, use a FTP program and upload the pubster folder to the www (public html) folder on your web host (must be linux php5). Note: if you host with hostgator and have several domain name folders, you may upload pubster to any of those folders. The folder you upload to should be chmod 755 (drwxr-xr-x) - which is the default on most php web hosts. 4. After you upload pubster to your web host, find the pubster admin panel by going to 5. View the Pubster setup and help files at For help and support, visit Pubster is copyrighted by Bill Myers and Hamilton New Media. All Rights reserverd. Unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or tampering with the code will disable the software.